Twelve-week plan to train new Q2PM Project Managers
Phase One (two weeks) - Basic Training and Orientation
Review all current Q2PM training videos and begin attending every training session offered during this period
Begin shadowing a qualified Q2PM team member (assigned mentor) "everywhere and everything"
Phase One goals:
Skills and Knowledge
Understand the Q2PM process (can explain the process clearly to the mentor)
Understands the ITAC process (can describe the process clearly to the mentor)
Understand the SharePoint tools (can demonstrate and explain tool use to the mentor)
Status Report
Document Library
ServiceNow Link Library
Milestones List and Timeline
Backlog List
Reports Library
Testing List
Pages List
Team Roster
Risk Log
Q2PM Core Competencies (KEY MEASURE - will be tested and rated*)
Phase Two (six weeks) - Training with First Assigned Project
Run two (2) mock meetings from the mentor's portfolio as practice before running an actual meeting
Begin running the mentor's meetings as time and availability permit
Assignment of a single, small and brand new project (nothing already started) from the candidate Q2PMs respective bureau
Phase Two goals: (to be performed with help from Q2PM mentor)
Create new PM site
Complete signed Phased Project Charter with business sponsors
Create project "Story"
Begin running project team meetings
Ability to operate project with high-level of independence
Demonstration of strong communication and interpersonal skills (KEY COMPETENCY - will be tested*)
Able to keep assigned project status "Green" or demonstrate a good plan to manage a "Yellow" project back to Green
Phase Two Assessment - Status Review Meeting (performed at end of six week phase)
Formal meeting with bureau management to assess candidate Q2PM's capability and consider if the PM can take on another project
If the candidate passes assessment, then they may be assigned a second project at this time.
Assessment Criteria:
Maintain assigned project as "Reporting" on the Q2PM projects dashboard
Maintain assigned project as "Green" status or "Yellow" status with a good plan to get back to "Green"
Attend all Q2PM team meetings unless unavailable for good reason
Able to pass communication and interpersonal skills test (KEY COMPETENCY*)
FINAL ASSESSMENT (four weeks after end of Phase Two) - Final Review Meeting
Formal meeting with bureau management to assess Q2PM's capability and consider if the PM can take on full project load (up to 65% capacity)
Assign additional projects from the PM's assigned bureau (up to 65% capacity)
Fully-qualified Q2PM Criteria. Candidate must be able to independently:
Manage projects at 65% capacity
Maintain all assigned projects as "Reporting" on the Q2PM projects dashboard
Maintain all assigned projects at "Green" status or "Yellow" status with a good plan to get back to "Green"
Attend all Q2PM team meetings unless unavailable for good reason
Mentor and train other PMs on the Q2PM process and tools
Lead and facilitate RCIT ITAC meetings
Sit in and run team meetings for any other Q2PM team member
* Demonstration of Q2PM Core Competencies is key to success in this role and will be used as the primary criteria in determining if a candidate will pass probation. Ranking of these skills are as follows:
Being Developed (BD): Demonstrates minimal use of this competency, has limited knowledge of the subject matter area, and needs frequent assistance and close supervision for direction. Currently developing competency.
Basic (B): Demonstrates limited use of this competency, has basic familiarity of subject matter area, and needs additional training to apply without assistance or with frequent supervision.
Intermediate (I): Demonstrates a working or functional proficiency level sufficient to apply this competency effectively without assistance and with minimal supervision, and has working/functional knowledge of the subject matter area.
Advanced (A): Demonstrates in-depth proficiency level sufficient to assist, consult with or lead others in the application of this competency, and has in-depth knowledge in the subject matter area.
Expert (E): Demonstrates broad, in-depth proficiency sufficient to be recognized as an authority or master performer in the applications of this competency, and has recognized authority/expert in subject matter area.